CCGA Author Volunteer Registration

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Honor Code for CCGA Content Contributor
I certify that I have read the Author Instructions. I attest that I will do my best to complete all sections with data from up-to-date published literature and/or expert curated opinion. Please consider watching our tutorial: How to Create a Page in CCGA.

In addition, I certify that I will adhere to CCGA policies, re-word source content to avoid plagiarism, and indicate the sources of information through referencing. If applicable, I will provide images only from open source content, non-open source content after obtaining any necessary permission, or local laboratory data after removal of patient identifiers.

If I am a trainee, I ensure that I will have had my mentor/sponsor review my page content prior to releasing this page for public viewing.

By submitting your data you give us your consent to process it in accordance with our Privacy Policy