Cancer Genomics Consortium


  • February 29, 2024  Abstracts submission deadline 

  • April 4, 2024  Anticipated date of acceptance notification emails 

  • April 17, 2024  Deadline for presenting authors of accepted abstracts to register and pay for meeting attendance to secure abstract publication in Cancer Genetics.

  • June 19, 2024  Deadline for submission of slide presentations for platform presentations for CME review of content. Additional details will be sent to platform presenters with their acceptance notifications. 

  • July 9, 2024  Deadline for submission of poster pdf for poster presentations for inclusion in virtual poster session. Additional details will be sent to platform presenters with their acceptance notifications.


  • The abstract submission process includes an attestation that the abstract is not commercial in nature. Abstracts are expected to be fair and balanced in their presentations. 

  • Abstracts commercial in nature, exhibiting self-promotion, or submitted by ineligible companies will not be accepted. Please see our abstract webpage for additional details.

  • Companies who choose to support the meeting have other opportunities to present data about specific products, including the Industry Poster Session, which is only available to those companies supporting the CGC Annual Meeting.  


  • CGC Membership is not required to submit an abstract. If you are not a current CGC member, simply select the option to submit "without logging in" when entering the abstract submission portal. We hope you will consider membership in the future.
  • Abstracts should represent original scientific research. Abstract submission is for both Oncology and Constitutional topics. 

  • Suggested topics can be found HERE; however, abstracts outside these topics will also be considered.  

  • There is a 250-word limit on the text in the body of submitted abstracts. 

  • While in the submission module, if you need to return to a previous page in the submission process, please use the back arrow on your browser. 

  • If the submitting author will not be the presenting author, please complete the question in the submission process requesting the presenting author’s full name, affiliation, email address, and phone number. 

  • Submitting authors and presenting authors must complete a Conflict of Financial Interest Form upon submission of each abstract.  

  • Abstract submissions must have an absence of self-promotion in favor of rigorous, data-driven conclusions without embellishment. 

  • Trainees and technologists may apply for travel grants

  • CGC membership is not required for abstract submission. Once an abstract is accepted, registration for the meeting will be required for participation and publication.
  • If you have challenges with your submission, please email


  • Abstracts are selected based on scientific rigor.  

  • All accepted abstracts will be published in Cancer Genetics.   

  • Accepted abstracts will be designated as poster presentations, platform presentations, or speed talks. 

  • A number of abstract submissions will be selected for poster presentation. Poster size is three feet wide by four feet tall (portrait orientation). 

  • Platform presenters will be required to begin presentations with a slide disclosing any financial interest, of any dollar amount, and stating “no conflicts” if none exists. 

  • All presentations must be balanced, transparent, and supported by data.  

To view the abstract categories and additional information, CLICK HERE..